Visualized Data Management
Preparing data used in reports, analytics, and other uses have always required too much time and too many resources, typically taking weeks to months using SQL databases and ETL tools.
Fast, Flexible, and Governed Visual Data Management
RCG|enable® Visualized Data Management utilizes the technologies and services for Data Lake platforms that perform the same work in hours to days.
RCG|enable® Data solutions and services include:
- Data Ingestion & Delivery
- Metadata Transform
- Metadata Management
RCG|enable® Visualized Data Management is a fully integrated, highly scalable, distributed and secure solution for acquiring, re-platforming, governing, and delivering data from and to an array of social media, mobile devices, smart devices, enterprise systems, and more.
RCG|enable® Visualized Data Management services to support structured, semistructured, and unstructured data sources and targets in traditional enterprise systems, external systems, and the Hadoop eco-system. RCG also integrates this solution with other IT technologies. It eliminates the need for IT professionals to become experts in Hadoop eco-system technologies and languages and speeds time to delivery at reduced costs by simplifying the work and processes required to make data ready to be used.

Modern Data Architecture
The Offering Provides a Solution with:
- A single consistent method for capturing and moving data
- The ability to quickly add new data sources and targets
- An open store of data rules, data lineage, and technical and operational metadata
- A process to visually manage business data on a Data Lake
A component-based architecture built on a foundation of open-source technologies enables RCG services to plug & play new data sources and their integration with existing tools and technologies in the IT operational environment.

Data Management Capabilities and Features
RCG|enable® Visualized Data Management technologies and services capture, transform, move, and manage data in an entirely new way. Features include:
- Visual Drag & Drop interface
- Portable, lightweight and secure
- Support for batch, micro-batch, near real-time and real-time delivery modes
- An open metadata and lineage repository
- Secure end-to-end data routing encryption and compression
- Flexible Transformations
- Aggregations – Filters and Mappings
- Plugin architecture
- Supports all Hadoop distributions
- Supports structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data

Source and Target Data and Systems
RCG|enable® Visualized Data Management technologies and services have multiple integration points with the leading Hadoop platforms using open standards. Source and target data and systems are supported through connectors. Connectors are available for many types of data and systems and new ones can be added to the framework quickly and economically.
A sample of the most popular connectors – as sources and/or targets – include:
- Hadoop – HDFS, Hive, Hbase
- Database – Teradata, Neteeza, SQLServer, MySQL, Oracle, DB2, SAP Hana
- NoSQL – DataStax, Cassandra, MongoDB, Couchbase
- Social Media – GNIP, Datasift
- Search – Solr, ElasticSearch
- Messaging – Tibco, MQ, Kafka, Active MQ, RabbitMQ
- File Systems – Generic OS, FTP/SFTP, Splunk
- Streaming – Spark Streaming, Sockets
- BI technologies – ETL tools, Power BI, Tableau, existing data marts and data warehouses