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Highlights of a Healthcare Geo-spatial Hackathon

What do you get when you mix:

  • Health care problems that need to be solved
  • informatics tools to solve them
  • people dedicated to creating solutions

into a large salad bowl, and toss with Vidalia onion dressing?  The answer is a data science hackathon!

You may have noticed the press release covering our hackathon where data scientists, policy folks, and providers demonstrated how Geospatial Data provided by Pitney Bowes can be combined with Medical Information to address these high-priority problems in the HealthCare sector:

  • Provider Directory Accuracy
  • Network Adequacy
  • Holistic Member View
  • Emergency Room vs. Urgent Care Access and Location Predictors
  • Member Retention
  • Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

This past weekend, I was delighted to have attended the hackathon as a resource to the teams, and as a first round judge! There were 16(!) teams, and so you might imagine that I saw a lot of great science, and each of them was accompanied by an implementation of their creation. The finalist presentations were Monday, May 21st and were judged by a panel of leading Healthcare executives from the Atlanta community.

This hackathon is a prime example of RCG creatively generating thought leadership in healthcare.  We bring this level of ingenuity to every engagement, collaborating with clients to productionize unique solutions and implementing a process to TAKE ACTION on great ideas.

I am RCG’s chief data scientist in the Advanced Analytics Practice, and my experience includes building syndromic surveillance maps (e.g. “flu maps”) from EMR data. So I was deeply interested in taking it all in, and let me just say, “there was a lot.”  I’d like to highlight the solutions provided by the top three winners from the final round that were selected by our panel of industry leaders.

2nd Place – IntelliHealth

Second Place – IntelliHealth
(Paul Wertz, Amit Verma, Reina Lingle, Darren Triplett, Stephen Kahiga, Ali Faisal)
The second-place winner, IntelliHealth, made a very useful recommendation tool for finding health care providers in proximity.  It used Pitney Bowes curated data (medical provider locations) with Google APIs to place provider choices when e.g. you’re out of town and desperately need a prescription.

Blog 18-18 3rdPlaceA Blog 18-18 3rdPlaceB

3rd Place – Team Pesto

Third Place – Team Pesto
(Sanmit Desai, Elliott Chung, and Edward Calderone)
The third-place winner, Team Pesto, presented a particularly useful solution for making medical decisions. This team was highly data focused, outlining the way to quickly answer questions about e.g. helping a consumer find (literally, with optimal driving directions) e.g. an urgent care facility, and providing other information to help a consumer make a decision about which to select

Blog 18-18 2ndPlace

And the winner is – ArcNap!


First Place – ArcNap
(Louis Kiphen, Amber Keller, Vikram Reddy Pareddy, Langford Sanders, Vijay Pothana, Vishi Gondi)

Last but not least, our first-place winner was ArcNap. This winning team shared a novel custom algorithm for assessing spatial and urgent care access for people in poverty and a beautiful presentation of the results. Their “chloropleths” were very well selected and would be photo-ready for an API that would serve consumers.  ArcNap rose to the top with great science and a great presentation.

Blog 18-18 1stPlace

On a personal note, it was so nice to meet the mom of winning team’s presenter at the final dinner. Wow, just wow!

This hackathon is a great example of RCG creatively generating thought leadership in healthcare. We bring this level of ingenuity to every engagement, collaborating with clients to formulate unique ideas and implement effective solutions.
